UPA Ranking Appendix


This is the player’s Ranking amongst other players listed. US, State & Speed Rankings can also be found in your Player Dashboard.


Members who are actively playing in the UPA.

Official Speed (OS)

A player’s Speed (Rating) prescribed solely by the UPA to determine handicap during match play (Speeds 1-10 prescribed).

Total Match Points (TMP)

The sum total of all points won by the player in league night play, per discipline (8,9,10-ball). Rankings for US, State and Speed are updated daily in your Player Dashboard.


The sum total of Matches, per discipline (8,9,10-ball) played during the current calendar year.

Match Efficiency (ME%)

The player’s winning percentage of total matches, per discipline (8,9.10-ball).

Shot Percentage (SHOT%)

The total percentage of the player’s chances of pocketing a ball on each attempt, per discipline (8,9,10-ball).

*This percentage is based on all shots attempted. Safeties & Safety Returns in are NOT included in this calculation.


The player’s chances of pocketing a ball on the Break. This number is calculated by all total break successes, per discipline (8,9,10-ball).


The average number of Foul’s a player commits during each game, per discipline (8,9,10-ball).

Misses Per Game (MPG)

The average unsuccessful “Called Shots” a player has during each game, per discipline (8,9,10-ball).

This percentage is based on all shots attempted, Safeties & Safety Returns are NOT included in this calculation.

Strategy Intelligence Quotient (SIQ)

SIQ is a reflection of how well the player plays a “Safety Shot” or deals with “Safety Returns,” per discipline (8,9,10-ball).